
26 August, 2011

Fish Sticks and Custard - er, Mango Sherbet

I finally got into the kitchen.  School is nearing the end of the quarter, work is - well, work - and life... it's all just a juggling act and I only ever learned to juggle two balls at once, so it's been a show for sure.

So happy kitchen time this night consisted of "fancy" fish sticks - they're fancy for a couple reasons, we'll get to that later - and mango-coconut sherbet.  I was excited for this!  Not only because both sounded über tasty from the recipes, but because it'd been a while since I'd had the time to play in the kitchen (last week's chipotlé flank steak with Gorgonzola sauce doesn't count, I was hurried).

Fancy Fish Sticks & Sauce...and beer.
The fish sticks I cut from a fillet of cod mum had picked up late last week.  Yep, that's right, cut them myself - see, fancy.  Then they were dredged first in a flour and black pepper mix, then into an wet mixture (best ingredient of which was lager) and then coated in a mix of Panko bread crumbs, pumpkin kernels and spices.  See, fancy!  Then I faux-fried them - aka put 'em on a heated, oiled sheet in the oven - and voila! Delicious, better-for-you-than-the-originals, "fancy" fish sticks!  Served those babies up with a dip concocted from low-fat mayo and sour cream, spicy brown mustard, fresh lime juice and a Cajun seasoning mix I'd already made myself and I had a great, proud-of-myself dinner.

But what is dinner without dessert? Blasphemy I say!  So I through the whopping 4 ingredients for mango-coconut sherbet into the blender and hit "liquify".  After all was happily blended I flipped the "on" switch on my Cuisinart Pure and poured all that sweet orange goo into the awaiting, frozen tub that was rotating almost as much giddy fervor as I was feeling. 30 or so minutes later the deliciousness was done. Well, sort of; you see it has to be put into a container and then in the freezer to solidify more, so I did that.  While I waited, I toasted up some shredded coconut I had.  Even though it wasn't solid yet, I could wait no longer; so I dished it up, topped it with the now golden  and nutty coconut sprinkles that I'd freed from the oven and spooned my taste buds up some tropical tastiness.
Mango-coconut awesome! I mean sherbet.

Note: I don't have the best camera for this sorta thing, but I do what I can with what I have :)

21 August, 2011

Music Awesomeness

Chris recently hooked himself up with a Logitech Revue and that thing is sweet.  It's an adapter that turns your existing tele set into an internet/smart tele. It comes with Google TV and is expected to have access to the Android app market by years end. In the meantime, it works great with Netflix and surfs the web very well. Needless to say, I'm hoping our deal to move in together next year is still on, so that I will  this piece of technologic fun.
The Logitech revue

So last night we were hanging and via discovered a music genre that is definitely becoming my new favorite.  Ladies and gentlemen I present to you, Chap-hop!

Professor Elemental - "Fighting Trousers"

18 August, 2011

The Little Things

I've worked 5 days in a row now. I had to be to work at 7am all but Sunday.  This means my alarm goes off at 5:20 which gives me enough time to wake, quick shower, get a bit pretty and grab some breakfast before heading to work. 

Tomorrow (and all weekend actually) I'm off and while I am really excited for my MN Zoo outing with a few friends (finally get to see the penguins!) there is something I am looking forward to much, much more.

"What could that possibly be?" You must be wondering.

Being able to sleep-in 'til 7:30 and having the time to take a shower long enough to shave my legs.  Yep, I have an exciting life.