OK, so a belated December post; school and work had me all busy and stressed and I tried to keep a semblance of a social life happening. But it's also an early January one! HA! New Year! Cinematically speaking, I'm pretty excited for 2010; Tim Burton's putting his spin on Alice in Wonderland, with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, naturally, as well as Anne Hathaway, Christopher Lee, Alan Rickman and slew of other top-notch talent. Ridley Scott is bustin' out his telling of Robin Hood with Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, Matthew MacFadyen, Mark Strong (Sherlock Holmes) and Kevin Durand (who will also feature in Legion with Paul Bettany). Iron Man 2 - between the looks and the talent, Robert Downey Jr. is most definitely my latest celebrity crush, grrrowl. Plus, a new flick from Christopher Nolan featuring a stel-lar cast, yet another Harry Potter coming (the first of the last!), a Tron sequel over a decade after the first, a Clash of the Titans remake and an A-Team movie (the latter two both featuring Liam Neeson). Yes, it looks to be a fun and entertaining year ahead. But, back to the present and what's coming out, or already out, that looks good.
December 2009
Morgan Freeman portrays Nelson Mandela. In an attempt to unite his countrymen after the fall of apartheid in South Africa, during his first term as president, Mandela campaigned to host the 1995 Rugby World Cup event. Also stars Matt Damon. C'mon, who doesn't love Morgan Freeman? And this one is screaming for an Oscar, so we might as well see if the fuss will be worth it.
The Lovely Bones
Based on the best-selling novel by Alice Sebold, Susie Salmon ("like the fish") watches over her family and friends from "the in-between" as they deal with the aftermath of her brutal rape and murder. Starring Saoirse Ronan (Atonement), Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Stanley Tucci and Susan Sarandon. Directed by the amazing Peter Jackson - yes, the same that brought us the phenomenal The Lord of the Rings trilogy! Good cast and excellent, visionary director; can't wait to see it!
Director James Cameron's first film since Titanic, he ventures into space to bring us a band of humans exploring and then pitted in battle against a distant planet's indigenous people. Starring Sam Worthington (Terminator Salvation), Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez and Zoe Saldana. Looks pretty cool and I'm terribly curious about all the hype...and Sam is smoking.
The Young Victoria
Emily Blunt (The Devil Wears Prada) portrays Queen Victoria in this dramatization of the turbulent first years of her reign. Along with Rupert Friend (Pride & Prejudice) as Prince Albert, this film also hits on the couple's enduring love. Written by Julian Fellowes, the writer behind the excellent film Gosford Park. Also starring Paul Bettany (Master & Commander), Jim Broadbent (HP and the Half-Blood Prince) and Miranda Richardson. From the trailer, this flick looks to be a cross between Elizabeth and Becoming Jane, both movies I enjoyed. Between that and the romance thread of the story, the hopeless romantic chick in me naturally wants to see this. Also, I loved Blunt in Prada and Paul Bettany is a favorite of mine.
Sherlock Holmes
Based on the classic mystery characters created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, I was stoked to see this from the first teasers! Robert Downey Jr. as Holmes! With Jude Law as Dr. Watson, featuring Rachel McAdams and directed Guy Ritchie. Since this is a belated post in respects to December, I've already seen this one and would happily smack down another $10 to see it again. Rocked my socks off! Sherlock Holmes was already a pretty kick ass character, Downey Jr. (whom I love!), Ritchie and the writers have bad-assified him and I LOVE it! I especially dug the attention paid to Holmes's deductive skills. Law was a perfect counter to the quirky Holmes. And, as always, plot bricks were layed for a possible sequel (please, sweet jesus, yes!). Go. See it. NOW!
Based on Arhtur Kopit's book for the 1982 Tony-winning musical of the same name, which was derived from a play that was inspired by Frederico Fellini's 1963 film 8 1/2 - you still with me? Good. This emotional musical is about a famous Italian film director, Guido Contini (played by uber talented Daniel Day-Lewis), who struggles to find balance in his professional and personal lives. This is in special regards to the many women in his life; his wife, his mistress, his muse, his agent and his mother. Directed by Rob Marshall (Chicago, Memoirs of a Geisha) and starring, as the females to Day-Lewis's character, Marion Cotillard (La Vie en Rose), Judi Dench, Sophia Loren, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, Kate Hudson and Fergie (from the Black Eyed Peas), this promises to be a visually brilliant film, which is what should be expected for a film adaptation of a musical, but also holds the possibility of some top-notch acting, which is just a nice plus.
January 2010
The year is 2017 and a plague has transformed most of the population in to vampires. With the human blood supply dwindling, the plotting for survival has fractured the now dominant race. Meanwhile, a researcher teams up with a covert band of vampires to try to save and restore the human race. Starring Ethan Hawke, Willem Defoe and Sam Neill. Interesting sci-fi plot + Willem Defoe...yeah, I'll watch it.
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
Heath Ledger. Johnny Depp. Jude Law. Directed by Terry Gilliam. Just watch the trailer and tell me when you want to go see it because you know you want to!
The Book of Eli
Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis and Ray Stevenson star in this post-apocalyptic flick in which a lone man (Washington) protects a sacred book which holds to secrets to saving humanity. Wowzers, this one is not based on a book, comic book, previously made movie or "actual events". It's actually an original screenplay. Holy creativity Batman! Or is it going to be Holy scraping-the-bottom-of-the-barrel Batman? Well either way, it'll be holy what with the apocalypse and a "sacred book". And don't I always want to see the post-/apocalyptic movies? And this does seem to be the time for them, what with 2010 and The Road out already and Legion coming out the week after this one. Besides I always like Gary Oldman. It will also be interesting to see Kunis try to pull a dramatic/ass-kicker role, I mean, she's mostly known for her comedy and while she's done some drama and action...well, can you name any of them that you've actually seen?
God has gotten "tired of all the bullshit" and lost faith in humanity. He sends his legion of angels to bring on the Apocalypse. The Archangel Michael (Paul Bettany) comes down and, with a group of strangers in a remote diner, protects a young preggo waitress whose unborn child is the only hope at survival humanity has left. Oh how I love apocalypse movies; they are just so fun! Also I love Paul Bettany. He and Ian McKellan are the only reason I even saw The DaVinci Code, and he was a crazy, albino zealot in that one. I know it's not going to be that great of a movie, but God will it be entertaining. :)
Tooth Fairy
This one from Disney, features Julie Andrews, Billy Crystal, Ashley Judd and stars Dwayne Johnson (you know, "The Rock") Johnson plays a mean hockey player (OK, I can buy that) who, being charged guilty of "killing dreams", must serve time as a tooth fairy...*snort* BA HA HA HAAAA!
When in Rome
OK, so I got tired and am admittedly copy-and-pasting this synopsis from imdb.com; "Beth is a young, ambitious New Yorker who is completely unlucky in love. However, when she impulsively steals some coins from a reputed fountain of love during a whirlwind trip to Rome, she finds herself aggressively pursued by a band of suitors." It stars Kristen Bell and Josh Duhamel. I have to say, I have not always liked Kristen Bell. I found that tele show she did (Veronica Mars) annoying and was perplexed as to her popularity. Plus, she spells her name wrong. However, Forgetting Sarah Marshall was hilarious and a few stints on Craig Ferguson's show has eased my dislike enough that I'm intrigued as to whether I could watch a movie with her as the protagonist. We will shall have to see.
There you have it friends! My end of '09 into '10 movie list. Which one do you want to venture to see with me? :)
A gallery of my quirky, awesome, or random thoughts on display for all to read in wonderment.
07 December, 2009
27 November, 2009
Winter Fun (aka Winter Want To Dos)
So Thanksgiving has come and gone and we are "officially" into the Winter/ Holiday season.
...When the hell did that happen?!
I am not ready for this yet! I still have shopping and crafting to do to get all the people on my gift list done. I still have stuff I want to do too! Between work (all those holiday shoppers *cringe*) and school taking up time until the week of the 17th, I want to find time to work in some fun and hopefully with my friends. So I, as usual, have compiled a list of fun things I'd like to do this winter. Not all of them have to or can be done before the holidays, but some of them I would like to do before then. So, in no particular order, I want to:

1. Bake cookies! And from scratch too! I don't do enough cooking and baking, but I always love it! Especially around the holidays there is a certain extra joy to it that I cannot place, but love the feel of. And now, since I noticed a kids picture book on the holiday display, I want to make holiday pirate cookies! Except I'm thinking of makin' 'em with sugar cookie dough instead of gingerbread dough.
2. See at least TWO more movies off my November and December (coming soon) lists. January and February too, but that's too far out to think and I hope by then I've seen two movies, sheesh!
3. Go see the Holidazzle Parade. I've lived in the Metro Area all my life and never gone down and stood on Nicollet Mall, freezing my tush off to watch a ton of pretty lights parade in front of me. I like pretty lights! And there are certainly enough nice joints along the mall to go to and enjoy a nice pre- or post-parade din.

4. I still want to try to make it to a Wild game! Even if they are not always the greatest, it's an awesome sport to watch and fun to support the home team.
5. Go to the St. Paul Winter Carnival. I have not gone to this since I was little, like Gimli would've dwarfed me lit
tle. The sculptures are always so cool, there's ice skating and all sorts of stuff I don't even know (there's not a calendar on the site yet).
6. Go ice skating. I'm not even sure if I remember how, but we should find out :)
7. I still want to go see the Titanic exhibit at the Science Museum.
8. Go for a walk in a state park or nature reserve or heck any nice park. Snow and ice covering everything with the sun shining down on it is so pretty and can make viewing wildlife a bit easier without so much foliage. Maybe even hit a park that rents snowshoes! This one is, of course, completely dependent on the weather.
This is all I can think of right now, but something else will probably pop into my head later on, that's just how my brain works :)
...When the hell did that happen?!
I am not ready for this yet! I still have shopping and crafting to do to get all the people on my gift list done. I still have stuff I want to do too! Between work (all those holiday shoppers *cringe*) and school taking up time until the week of the 17th, I want to find time to work in some fun and hopefully with my friends. So I, as usual, have compiled a list of fun things I'd like to do this winter. Not all of them have to or can be done before the holidays, but some of them I would like to do before then. So, in no particular order, I want to:
1. Bake cookies! And from scratch too! I don't do enough cooking and baking, but I always love it! Especially around the holidays there is a certain extra joy to it that I cannot place, but love the feel of. And now, since I noticed a kids picture book on the holiday display, I want to make holiday pirate cookies! Except I'm thinking of makin' 'em with sugar cookie dough instead of gingerbread dough.
2. See at least TWO more movies off my November and December (coming soon) lists. January and February too, but that's too far out to think and I hope by then I've seen two movies, sheesh!
3. Go see the Holidazzle Parade. I've lived in the Metro Area all my life and never gone down and stood on Nicollet Mall, freezing my tush off to watch a ton of pretty lights parade in front of me. I like pretty lights! And there are certainly enough nice joints along the mall to go to and enjoy a nice pre- or post-parade din.
4. I still want to try to make it to a Wild game! Even if they are not always the greatest, it's an awesome sport to watch and fun to support the home team.
5. Go to the St. Paul Winter Carnival. I have not gone to this since I was little, like Gimli would've dwarfed me lit
6. Go ice skating. I'm not even sure if I remember how, but we should find out :)
7. I still want to go see the Titanic exhibit at the Science Museum.
8. Go for a walk in a state park or nature reserve or heck any nice park. Snow and ice covering everything with the sun shining down on it is so pretty and can make viewing wildlife a bit easier without so much foliage. Maybe even hit a park that rents snowshoes! This one is, of course, completely dependent on the weather.
This is all I can think of right now, but something else will probably pop into my head later on, that's just how my brain works :)
01 November, 2009
Movies (the November edition)!
OK so October was a bust. I did not see one movie last month. :( Between work, school, and lack of money I just was not able to get to one. Looking at my ticket stubs, the last one I saw was on September 9, so a week from tomorrow, I will have gone two months without seeing movie in theaters. Suck. Especially when you consider that Where The Wild Things Are is out AND at the IMAX no less? I'm also disappointed that The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day is only in limited release right now, and apparently the Twin Cities is not on that list. Double suck.
But enough of that feeling sorry bull, it's a new month! Halloween rocked and now we've not only got new movies to look forward to, but also Thanksgiving (nom nom nom)! :D
A Christmas Carol
Robert Zem
eckis brings his directing eye and his passion for life-like CG animation to another holiday classic (see 2004's Polar Express). We all know this beloved story, so let's move to the talent and - what I think will be interesting - the multiple roles they will portray. Jim Carrey will be the incorrigible and miserly Mr. Scrooge including all his younger incarnations as well as the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come respectively. Gary Oldman will be the ever kind Bob Cratchit, Tiny Tim and Marley. Colin Firth will be Scrooge's nephew Fred. Other voice talent include Cary Elwes, Robin Wright Penn, and Bob Hoskins (as Mr. Fezziwig!) While Zemeckis's version of Beowulf had me laughing in the theater for some bits (anybody up for a game of hide-the-wang?) the animation was still pretty tight, and I really enjoyed Polar Express - although it was made even better by the fact that my friends and I decided to go in our pajamas for the viewing :) Also, this one's going to be out in 3D and in IMAX 3D! I'm looking forward to this being a good one.

Men Who Stare At Goats
Here's the synopsis IMDB gives, "In Iraq, reporter Bob Wilton (McGregor) meets Lyn Cassady (Clooney), whose seemingly wild claim - that he's a member of the U.S. Army's First Earth Battalion, a unit that employs paranormal powers in their missions - causes Wilton to join Cassady's hunt for the battalion's founder, whose gone missing." Here's my synopsis; crazy sounding plot that is based on a true story, starring Ewan McGregor, Kevin Spacey, George Clooney and Jeff Bridges (looking kinda similar to the Dude) and there's goats! I'm totally in.
John Cusack, Thandie Newton, Oliver Platt and Chiwetel Ejiofor (Children of Men, Serenity, Love Actually) star in this movie about the apocalyptic events that start to transpire in accordance with a prediction made by the ancient Mayan. Directed by Roland Emmerich, the director behind The Patriot, Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow. The guy likes to destroy stuff, so if anything the effects should be awesome.
Pirate Radio
A comedy about an illegal radio station run by a band of rogue DJs on a ship in the middle of the Britain's North Sea during the 1960s. Starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Bill Nighy, Nick Frost, Jack Davenport and Kenneth Branagh. This movie just looks super fun.
The Blind Side
Based on Michael Lewis's book, this film depicts the true story of Michael Oher, a homeless African-American youth from a broken home who is taken in by the Touhys, a well-to-do, conservative family who help him fulfill the potential they see in him. At the same time, Michael's presence in the Touhys' lives leads to some insightful discoveries of their own. Starring Sandra Bullock, Quinton Aaron, Kathy Bates and Tim McGraw. I have wanted to see this since I first saw the trailer. I don't even LIKE football that much, I just think this looks like a great, feel good movie. Also I love Sandra Bullock and think this could be a good one from her.
Fantastic Mr.
Based on the children's book by Roald Dahl, this is the story of angry farmers trying to rid themselves of the sly fox that's been staking their chickens. Done in claymation that's reminiscent of all those 1960s holiday shows but obviously finer tuned, I'm diggin' the style. This could be just your average cutesy family film, but something tells me it's not quite going to be so and that something is that Wes Anderson is directing. Yep, the writer and director of The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is doing a "kids" movie. Featuring the voice talents of George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Michael Gambon, Willem Defoe, as well as Anderson regulars Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray and Owen Wilson and even Anderson himself.
Planet 51
CG animated film about Astronaut Charles "Chuck" Baker goes on a routine mission to explore Planet 51...and unexpectedly finds aliens! Now he must befriend a young resident of the planet in order to evade capture and get back to Earth. Featuring the voices of Dwayne Johnson, Justin Long, Gary Oldman, John Cleese, and Sean William Scott. It could be cute and funny or it could suck. I think what I like is that it seems to introduce the concept of testing our perceptions of other cultures to kids.
The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Now before you rail on me, because I know you're thinking, "Kris, WTF?!", hear me out. I saw Twilight out of morbid curiosity and it was so horrible that it was hilarious. I do not intend to go anywhere NEAR the opening date and preferably during the week so it is as cheap as possible. I'm going to drink either before hand if not sneak something in with me and I'm going to laugh out loud and annoy all of the teeny-bopper fans drooling over the sparkly vampire. Even watching the trailer I start to giggle.
Ninja Assassin
The title pretty much says it all. Directed by James McTeigue (the genius eye behind V for Vendetta) and featuring Naomie Harris who played the totally bad ass "Selena" in 28 Days Later. Check out the trailer. I think this one will be a wicked movie!
The Road
FUCKING FINALLY! I've been waiting for this movie for over a friggin YEAR! They keep pushing around the date. Viggo Mortenson is simply 'the Father" in this film based on Cormac McCarthy's book about a father and son (Kodi Smit-McPhee) traveling through the harsh wilds of a post-apocalyptic landscape in search of civilization.
So there you have 'em. If you think I forgot something, by all means please share. And, as always, the dates are based on those listed on IMDB.com.
But enough of that feeling sorry bull, it's a new month! Halloween rocked and now we've not only got new movies to look forward to, but also Thanksgiving (nom nom nom)! :D
A Christmas Carol
Robert Zem
Men Who Stare At Goats
Here's the synopsis IMDB gives, "In Iraq, reporter Bob Wilton (McGregor) meets Lyn Cassady (Clooney), whose seemingly wild claim - that he's a member of the U.S. Army's First Earth Battalion, a unit that employs paranormal powers in their missions - causes Wilton to join Cassady's hunt for the battalion's founder, whose gone missing." Here's my synopsis; crazy sounding plot that is based on a true story, starring Ewan McGregor, Kevin Spacey, George Clooney and Jeff Bridges (looking kinda similar to the Dude) and there's goats! I'm totally in.
John Cusack, Thandie Newton, Oliver Platt and Chiwetel Ejiofor (Children of Men, Serenity, Love Actually) star in this movie about the apocalyptic events that start to transpire in accordance with a prediction made by the ancient Mayan. Directed by Roland Emmerich, the director behind The Patriot, Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow. The guy likes to destroy stuff, so if anything the effects should be awesome.
Pirate Radio
A comedy about an illegal radio station run by a band of rogue DJs on a ship in the middle of the Britain's North Sea during the 1960s. Starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Bill Nighy, Nick Frost, Jack Davenport and Kenneth Branagh. This movie just looks super fun.
The Blind Side
Based on Michael Lewis's book, this film depicts the true story of Michael Oher, a homeless African-American youth from a broken home who is taken in by the Touhys, a well-to-do, conservative family who help him fulfill the potential they see in him. At the same time, Michael's presence in the Touhys' lives leads to some insightful discoveries of their own. Starring Sandra Bullock, Quinton Aaron, Kathy Bates and Tim McGraw. I have wanted to see this since I first saw the trailer. I don't even LIKE football that much, I just think this looks like a great, feel good movie. Also I love Sandra Bullock and think this could be a good one from her.
Fantastic Mr.
Based on the children's book by Roald Dahl, this is the story of angry farmers trying to rid themselves of the sly fox that's been staking their chickens. Done in claymation that's reminiscent of all those 1960s holiday shows but obviously finer tuned, I'm diggin' the style. This could be just your average cutesy family film, but something tells me it's not quite going to be so and that something is that Wes Anderson is directing. Yep, the writer and director of The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is doing a "kids" movie. Featuring the voice talents of George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Michael Gambon, Willem Defoe, as well as Anderson regulars Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray and Owen Wilson and even Anderson himself.
Planet 51
CG animated film about Astronaut Charles "Chuck" Baker goes on a routine mission to explore Planet 51...and unexpectedly finds aliens! Now he must befriend a young resident of the planet in order to evade capture and get back to Earth. Featuring the voices of Dwayne Johnson, Justin Long, Gary Oldman, John Cleese, and Sean William Scott. It could be cute and funny or it could suck. I think what I like is that it seems to introduce the concept of testing our perceptions of other cultures to kids.
The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Now before you rail on me, because I know you're thinking, "Kris, WTF?!", hear me out. I saw Twilight out of morbid curiosity and it was so horrible that it was hilarious. I do not intend to go anywhere NEAR the opening date and preferably during the week so it is as cheap as possible. I'm going to drink either before hand if not sneak something in with me and I'm going to laugh out loud and annoy all of the teeny-bopper fans drooling over the sparkly vampire. Even watching the trailer I start to giggle.
Ninja Assassin
The title pretty much says it all. Directed by James McTeigue (the genius eye behind V for Vendetta) and featuring Naomie Harris who played the totally bad ass "Selena" in 28 Days Later. Check out the trailer. I think this one will be a wicked movie!
The Road
FUCKING FINALLY! I've been waiting for this movie for over a friggin YEAR! They keep pushing around the date. Viggo Mortenson is simply 'the Father" in this film based on Cormac McCarthy's book about a father and son (Kodi Smit-McPhee) traveling through the harsh wilds of a post-apocalyptic landscape in search of civilization.
So there you have 'em. If you think I forgot something, by all means please share. And, as always, the dates are based on those listed on IMDB.com.
02 October, 2009
Pregnesia = Effing Creepy!
A co-worker friend sent me the link to a romance book review on a website called Smart Bitches, Trashy Books.
First off, it must be said that the review had me ROFL with tears in my eyes! Sure, she's no pro at reviewing, it's real people lingo she uses, but it's freaking HILARIOUS!
Second, about the book being reviewed, I can only use her own wording to describe what went through my head when I read the title & description; "OMGWTFBBQ!!ELEVENTY!!" Seriously?! Pregnesia?! Of course, this book is from the geniuses over at Harlequin, who've been making reading women's hearts all twittery since 1949.
Working in a book store I see a lot of stuff go through that section. A LOT. In a genre that features vampires, werewolves, cowboys, NASCAR, time-traveling highlanders, angel-on-cursed-mermaid action, intergalactic were-cats and multiple-phalli satyr dudes - I ain't makin' this stuff up kids - the sub-genre I like to call "preggo romance" tops in creeping me the fuck out! Even touching it to shelve it gives me the heebyjeebies. Eew.
Where? Why? Seriously?! OK! I have an idea friends. We all have writing skills, I know it! Let's all get into a huddle, put some weird stuff into a few hats and write our own romance novel! Because if this crap can sell, I think we can make some serious bank! Wait...waitwait! I have GOT IT! OK, picture it with me here; a Regency era maiden is ruined by getting knocked up with a litter from an interstellar were-cat and her only chance at a new life is to follow a time-traveling Scottish Highland warrior into the future/present day where she then must choose between her super hot savior and the sexay vampire that's putting the moves on her (copyright K. Codling 2009)! It will sell MILLIONS!!!
FYI, that rant played out in my head like a Lewis Black monologue.
Alright, I think I'm done... for now.
AMUSING RELATED FACTOID: While looking on Wikipedia to see if I could find an founded date for Harlequin romance books, it, naturally directed me to the definition & origin of a harlequin. I perused to the bottom to see if I could find a related link to info about the publisher and instead found this gem; "Harlequin was a character in an Irish campaign for genital herpes awareness week"!!! LOL! FYI genital herpes awareness week seems to run around the last week of July into the first week of August.
First off, it must be said that the review had me ROFL with tears in my eyes! Sure, she's no pro at reviewing, it's real people lingo she uses, but it's freaking HILARIOUS!
Second, about the book being reviewed, I can only use her own wording to describe what went through my head when I read the title & description; "OMGWTFBBQ!!ELEVENTY!!" Seriously?! Pregnesia?! Of course, this book is from the geniuses over at Harlequin, who've been making reading women's hearts all twittery since 1949.
Working in a book store I see a lot of stuff go through that section. A LOT. In a genre that features vampires, werewolves, cowboys, NASCAR, time-traveling highlanders, angel-on-cursed-mermaid action, intergalactic were-cats and multiple-phalli satyr dudes - I ain't makin' this stuff up kids - the sub-genre I like to call "preggo romance" tops in creeping me the fuck out! Even touching it to shelve it gives me the heebyjeebies. Eew.
Where? Why? Seriously?! OK! I have an idea friends. We all have writing skills, I know it! Let's all get into a huddle, put some weird stuff into a few hats and write our own romance novel! Because if this crap can sell, I think we can make some serious bank! Wait...waitwait! I have GOT IT! OK, picture it with me here; a Regency era maiden is ruined by getting knocked up with a litter from an interstellar were-cat and her only chance at a new life is to follow a time-traveling Scottish Highland warrior into the future/present day where she then must choose between her super hot savior and the sexay vampire that's putting the moves on her (copyright K. Codling 2009)! It will sell MILLIONS!!!
FYI, that rant played out in my head like a Lewis Black monologue.
Alright, I think I'm done... for now.
AMUSING RELATED FACTOID: While looking on Wikipedia to see if I could find an founded date for Harlequin romance books, it, naturally directed me to the definition & origin of a harlequin. I perused to the bottom to see if I could find a related link to info about the publisher and instead found this gem; "Harlequin was a character in an Irish campaign for genital herpes awareness week"!!! LOL! FYI genital herpes awareness week seems to run around the last week of July into the first week of August.
01 October, 2009
Movies (the October edition)
Well since my September one went so well - I think I've seen one movie off that list - I figured I'd have another go at it :) So here, for you reading enjoyment is the list of movies (by release date) coming out this month that I'm interested in seeing. Maybe even with you!
The Invention of Lying - Ricky Gervais! Do I really need to say anything more? OK, fine! His new comedy based in a world where lying has never existed until one writer (Gervais) discovers it. Also stars Jason Bateman, Rob Lowe, Christopher Guest, Jennifer Garner, Tina Fey, Stephen Merchant, Stephanie March (Alex Cabot from Law & Order:SVU!), Jonah Hill...just go watch the trailer :) and then make a date with me to go see it!
Whip It - Ellen Page stars as Bliss Cavendar, an "indie-rock loving misfit" looking for a release from her mother's (Marcia Gay Harden) beauty pageants and the misery of her Texas small-town life. She finds this release in roller derby league in nearby Austin. Also starring Kristin Wiig, Eve, Juliette Lewis and Drew Barrymore, who is also making her directorial debut with this film. This flick looks like pure rockin' fun! I love Ellen Page and Drew rarely lets me down.
Zombieland - Yay zombies! Who doesn't find a touch of entertainment in the living dead? Here's a new one, by a new director, Ruben Fleischer. This one stars Jesse Eisenberg as a guy described as "the most frightened person on Earth" who musters the courage to lead a band of refugees, including Abigail Breslin, Emma Stone and Woody Harrelson as zombie killing cowboy, on a cross-country pilgrimage to an amusement park where they think they'll be safe.
An Education - A coming-of-age story. It's 1960's London and Jenny's (Carey Mulligan) life changed when a playboy nearly twice her age, David (Peter Sarsgaard) enters the picture. Also starring Alfred Molina, Dominic Cooper and Emma Thompson. Looks a bit intriguing and I love Emma Thompson.
Couples Retreat - Couple A (Jason Bateman & Kristen Bell) convince couples B, C & D (Vince Vaugn, Malin Ackerman, Jon Favreau, Kristin Davis, Faizon Love & Kali Hawke) to join them on a group rate to a tropical island couples retreat...however the other couples were unaware that the therapy part of the retreat is mandatory. Let the fun begin. Also features Jean Reno, Peter Serafinowicz and Ken Jeong (yes, the naked Chinese mob boss from The Hangover).
Trucker - "A semi-truck driver (Michelle Monaghan) tries to turn her carefree life around when she takes in her estranged 11-year-old son. Also starring Benjamin Bratt, Joey Lauren Adams (Chasing Amy) and Nathan Fillion. I won't lie, my main if not only draw to this movie is Nathan Fillion :)
Where The Wild Things Are - Excuse me while I do my happy dance! *** OK, based on the AWESOME children's book by Maurice Sendak, Spike Jonze brings the beloved tale of a boys dream of escaping his unsatisfactory home and finding a family among an island of beasts to the screen in live action! Starring Max Records, Catherine Keener and featuring the voice talents of Catherine O'Hara, James Gandolfini, Lauren Ambrose, Paul Dano, Forest Whitaker and Chris Cooper. I MUST SEE THIS! And if possible, I will see it more than once! Seriously, one of my favorite books, I have even pondered getting a Wild Thing tattoo.
Law Abiding Citizen - Clyde Shelton (Gerard Butler) is a man that's been failed by the legal system. From within his prison cell, he concocts a plan seeking revenge on the murderers of his wife and daughter as well as the prosecutor (Jaimie Foxx) and any one else responsible for the unjust deal. Also features Colm Meany, Leslie Bibb and Michael Gambon. Yeah, I love me some hot Scottish man. I also dig vigilante plot-lines.
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant - Based on a series of young adult books, Darren Shan is bored with his pretty, preppy little life. So when a traveling freak show comes to town, he joins on as the proprieter's (John C. Reilly) assistant...oh yeah, and the guy is a vampire and makes him one too! Also starring Selma Hayek, Patrick Fugit Ken Watanabe, Ray Stevenson and Willen Dafoe. It looks kinda campy, but it could be entertaining, I mean Selma Hayek as a bearded lady does hold a certain amusement appeal.
Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day - *squeeee* Sequel to one of my favorite movies The Boondock Saints. The McManus brothers and father (Norman Reedus, Sean Patrick Flannery and Billy Connolly) return to Boston from Ireland to bring justice to Yakavetta (Judd Nelson) and his mob for framing them with the murder of their beloved priest. Also featuring Clifton Collins Jr, Peter Fonda and Julie Benz. I am ALL about this one!
Now I know you are thinking, 'But Kris, what about the dramatic, obviously meant for an Oscar nom bio-pic Amelia? Women's history girl, c'mon represent!' Nope. Not gonna happen. Why? Because of the shite casting. Not even the presents of the great Ewan McGregor and get me to see a movie starring Hilary 'Horse-face' Swank! She is a horse-faced, anorexic bodied hack of an "actress" and I will not be spending my hard earned money to supplement the movies she makes or encourage the furthering of her career.
Note: All the above dates are those as listed on imdb.com; in other words, if I'm wrong about these, it ain't my fault. :)
The Invention of Lying - Ricky Gervais! Do I really need to say anything more? OK, fine! His new comedy based in a world where lying has never existed until one writer (Gervais) discovers it. Also stars Jason Bateman, Rob Lowe, Christopher Guest, Jennifer Garner, Tina Fey, Stephen Merchant, Stephanie March (Alex Cabot from Law & Order:SVU!), Jonah Hill...just go watch the trailer :) and then make a date with me to go see it!
Whip It - Ellen Page stars as Bliss Cavendar, an "indie-rock loving misfit" looking for a release from her mother's (Marcia Gay Harden) beauty pageants and the misery of her Texas small-town life. She finds this release in roller derby league in nearby Austin. Also starring Kristin Wiig, Eve, Juliette Lewis and Drew Barrymore, who is also making her directorial debut with this film. This flick looks like pure rockin' fun! I love Ellen Page and Drew rarely lets me down.
Zombieland - Yay zombies! Who doesn't find a touch of entertainment in the living dead? Here's a new one, by a new director, Ruben Fleischer. This one stars Jesse Eisenberg as a guy described as "the most frightened person on Earth" who musters the courage to lead a band of refugees, including Abigail Breslin, Emma Stone and Woody Harrelson as zombie killing cowboy, on a cross-country pilgrimage to an amusement park where they think they'll be safe.
An Education - A coming-of-age story. It's 1960's London and Jenny's (Carey Mulligan) life changed when a playboy nearly twice her age, David (Peter Sarsgaard) enters the picture. Also starring Alfred Molina, Dominic Cooper and Emma Thompson. Looks a bit intriguing and I love Emma Thompson.
Couples Retreat - Couple A (Jason Bateman & Kristen Bell) convince couples B, C & D (Vince Vaugn, Malin Ackerman, Jon Favreau, Kristin Davis, Faizon Love & Kali Hawke) to join them on a group rate to a tropical island couples retreat...however the other couples were unaware that the therapy part of the retreat is mandatory. Let the fun begin. Also features Jean Reno, Peter Serafinowicz and Ken Jeong (yes, the naked Chinese mob boss from The Hangover).
Trucker - "A semi-truck driver (Michelle Monaghan) tries to turn her carefree life around when she takes in her estranged 11-year-old son. Also starring Benjamin Bratt, Joey Lauren Adams (Chasing Amy) and Nathan Fillion. I won't lie, my main if not only draw to this movie is Nathan Fillion :)
Where The Wild Things Are - Excuse me while I do my happy dance! *** OK, based on the AWESOME children's book by Maurice Sendak, Spike Jonze brings the beloved tale of a boys dream of escaping his unsatisfactory home and finding a family among an island of beasts to the screen in live action! Starring Max Records, Catherine Keener and featuring the voice talents of Catherine O'Hara, James Gandolfini, Lauren Ambrose, Paul Dano, Forest Whitaker and Chris Cooper. I MUST SEE THIS! And if possible, I will see it more than once! Seriously, one of my favorite books, I have even pondered getting a Wild Thing tattoo.
Law Abiding Citizen - Clyde Shelton (Gerard Butler) is a man that's been failed by the legal system. From within his prison cell, he concocts a plan seeking revenge on the murderers of his wife and daughter as well as the prosecutor (Jaimie Foxx) and any one else responsible for the unjust deal. Also features Colm Meany, Leslie Bibb and Michael Gambon. Yeah, I love me some hot Scottish man. I also dig vigilante plot-lines.
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant - Based on a series of young adult books, Darren Shan is bored with his pretty, preppy little life. So when a traveling freak show comes to town, he joins on as the proprieter's (John C. Reilly) assistant...oh yeah, and the guy is a vampire and makes him one too! Also starring Selma Hayek, Patrick Fugit Ken Watanabe, Ray Stevenson and Willen Dafoe. It looks kinda campy, but it could be entertaining, I mean Selma Hayek as a bearded lady does hold a certain amusement appeal.
Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day - *squeeee* Sequel to one of my favorite movies The Boondock Saints. The McManus brothers and father (Norman Reedus, Sean Patrick Flannery and Billy Connolly) return to Boston from Ireland to bring justice to Yakavetta (Judd Nelson) and his mob for framing them with the murder of their beloved priest. Also featuring Clifton Collins Jr, Peter Fonda and Julie Benz. I am ALL about this one!
Now I know you are thinking, 'But Kris, what about the dramatic, obviously meant for an Oscar nom bio-pic Amelia? Women's history girl, c'mon represent!' Nope. Not gonna happen. Why? Because of the shite casting. Not even the presents of the great Ewan McGregor and get me to see a movie starring Hilary 'Horse-face' Swank! She is a horse-faced, anorexic bodied hack of an "actress" and I will not be spending my hard earned money to supplement the movies she makes or encourage the furthering of her career.
Note: All the above dates are those as listed on imdb.com; in other words, if I'm wrong about these, it ain't my fault. :)
Fall Fun
Yay! It is fall (my tied-for-favorite season!) which means it is time to begin considering what fall activities I want to partake of *squee*. Here is my list...thus far
1.Go to the Minnesota Harvest apple orchard and pick apples and get apple butter and honey = NUM!
2. Visit the Minnesota Arboretum! I've never been to the arboretum and what better time of year than when all the colors are changing?!
3. Find my way through Sever's Corn Maze in Shakopee (this year's theme is PIRATES!)
4. Carve some wicked pumpkins for Halloween.
5. The Guthrie is performing The Important of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, which is always a fun play. Tales From The Book of Longing and Faith Healer look interesting and, even though it is not until Nov, I really want to see A Christmas Carol again because Peter Michael Goetz is playing Scrooge.
6. Go to the science museum to see the Titanic exhibit.
7. Go to the HUGE Autumn Festival craft fair at Canterbury Park on November 12-15.
8. Go on some hikes in the nearby area now that it will start to get cooler out.
9. Make a trip over to the "local" Betty's Pies for food and PIE!!!
10.There are several movies coming out that I'm interesting in seeing (see previous post ... and the one after this too)
11.I want to do a cookie swap! I think the swap itself would probably be done closer to the winter holidays, but I wanted to put it out there now to see how many people would be interested :)
12. I would love to do see another hockey game, it doesn't even have to be during the autumn! I know this one is a bit unlikely due to my current finances, but still, a girl can dream can't she.
1.Go to the Minnesota Harvest apple orchard and pick apples and get apple butter and honey = NUM!
2. Visit the Minnesota Arboretum! I've never been to the arboretum and what better time of year than when all the colors are changing?!
3. Find my way through Sever's Corn Maze in Shakopee (this year's theme is PIRATES!)
4. Carve some wicked pumpkins for Halloween.
5. The Guthrie is performing The Important of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, which is always a fun play. Tales From The Book of Longing and Faith Healer look interesting and, even though it is not until Nov, I really want to see A Christmas Carol again because Peter Michael Goetz is playing Scrooge.
6. Go to the science museum to see the Titanic exhibit.
7. Go to the HUGE Autumn Festival craft fair at Canterbury Park on November 12-15.
8. Go on some hikes in the nearby area now that it will start to get cooler out.
9. Make a trip over to the "local" Betty's Pies for food and PIE!!!
10.There are several movies coming out that I'm interesting in seeing (see previous post ... and the one after this too)
11.I want to do a cookie swap! I think the swap itself would probably be done closer to the winter holidays, but I wanted to put it out there now to see how many people would be interested :)
12. I would love to do see another hockey game, it doesn't even have to be during the autumn! I know this one is a bit unlikely due to my current finances, but still, a girl can dream can't she.
19 September, 2009
Effing Facebook
It's been TWO DAYS! Thursday after my walk & dinner with Jo, I returned home to log on to Facebook and update about the fun I'd had. Logged in like usual and was sent to the "e-mail/password invalid, please try again" screen. So I tried again...and again and again and again. I made sure CAPS was off, that I was spelling and typing everything correctly, nothing worked. Then I tried to reset my password at which time I was told my e-mail address was invalid!?! Thinking I'd been hacked or something I filled out a report and sent it on to facebook and got what must be a standard immediate response e-mail from them asking my to try resetting my password (tried AGAIN, nada) and then respond to that e-mail to verify the contact e-mail I gave them. Did that too. A couple hours later I got two e-mail notifications about having a comment on my wall and a message from a friend, but could I log in to get those? No! I'm getting notices about my account at the e-mail I keep getting told is invalid...WTF. It's been two days and not only has the problem not been fixed but I haven't even heard from "the facebook team"! Not even the courtesy of a status update/ "we're working on it" e-mail from them. Grrr.
At the same time, I am sitting here getting anxious and frustrated I'm also thinking how kinda pathetic it is that I feel so disconnected from my friends because I can't access a friggin website. I mean, I don't even have up-to-date e-mails for most of my friends! So I will be amending that for sure once this is figured out and I can contact most people again.
At the same time, I am sitting here getting anxious and frustrated I'm also thinking how kinda pathetic it is that I feel so disconnected from my friends because I can't access a friggin website. I mean, I don't even have up-to-date e-mails for most of my friends! So I will be amending that for sure once this is figured out and I can contact most people again.
03 September, 2009
Movies (the September edition)
I'm a movie whore. I love watching 'em, comparing, critiquing, knowing the behind-the-scenes stuff, what & when they're coming out and who's in 'em. I love the variety; that I can find delight (or fault) in everything from a lame comedy to an award winning drama is awesome!
Now it is September, which means autumn is upon us and with it comes the Fall movie season! As the weather gets colder, it drives folks to more indoor activities (like going to the cinema) which means higher stakes to make bigger bank for the movie industry. Also, the award season is around the corner - and boy does the impending line up show it.
Thus, for your reading pleasure, here is the list, in order of release date, of films coming out this month that I want to see; from "kinda want" to "super really want". I've included synopses and links. Enjoy and, of course, let me know if you would want to see one with me because I love spending time with friends and having someone to chat about the movie with afterward (even better if said chatting occurs over pie!)
All About Steve - Sandra Bullock stars as Mary, a pretty, smart and eccentric crossword puzzler who is set up on a blind date with CNN cameraman Steve (The Hangover's Bradley Cooper) and the sparks fly...for Mary. When Steve is called away to work, Mary takes up the mission of following him and his crew across the country hoping to convince him that they belong together. This movie has three big things going for it: 1) I love Sandra Bullock comedies; that woman rocks! 2) Bradley Cooper (if you have not see The Hangover, you should) is HAWT! 3) I have a good friend named Steve making the title and premise 10x more amusing to me (right up there with the scene in Over The Hedge when Hammy the Squirrel suggests they name the hedge Steve "itsaprettyname!")
Carriers -Pandemic thriller starring Chris Pike (aka Capt Kirk in the recent Star Trek movie) and, oh look, guest spot by Christopher Meloni (of Law & Order:SVU). It looks like it could be an average pandemic and possibly zombie-esque thriller. Chris Pike has proved he's got some acting chops though. I think the thing that piques my interest is the societal downfall/ survival aspect. I nearly always enjoy seeing what a film or book does with dystopic or anti-utopia scenarios.
Extract - The latest comedy from Mike Judge (writer/director of Office Space), this time he takes the bosses side of things. Joel (Jason Bateman) is the owner of an extract plant and is having a myriad of business and personal problems. Also stars Mila Kunis, Ben Affleck, Kristen Wiig and J.K. Simmons. For starters I dig Judge's work. For seconds, Jason Bateman rocks my casbah. 'Nuff said.
Gamer - Gerard Butler is literally fighting a war for his life, the only problem is that he's not the one in control of his actions. As a death row inmate he is the living player in a game where others control his actions and whether he wins or loses and winning is what will get him out of prison back to his family. Let's see, what could Kris possibly love about this movie? Lots of decently done action sequences. Check. Anti-utopic plot line. Check! Michael C. Hall (from Six Feet Under and Dexter). Check! Gerard Butler (aka hot, talented Scottish actor). CHECK! I am ALL about this one!
9 - Originally an Academy Award nominated short, writer/director Shawn Acker has expanded his work into a full length animated wonder. Set in an apocalyptic future where humans are gone, nine rag dolls created by a scientist try to understand the world around them and why they were created while fighting the evils that surround them. You all know I love a good dystopic story. The animation looks tight! Featuring the voice talents of Elijah Wood, Crispin Glover, Martin Landau, Christopher Plummer and Jennifer Connelly. Produced by Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov (director of Wanted and -thank you Steve- the writer of Night Watch and Day Watch). The trailer alone makes me all tingly and giddy.
Pandorum - Sci-fi thriller starring Dennis Quaid and Ben Foster as astronauts who awake in hyper-sleep chambers with no memory of who they are or why they are here. As they explore their seemingly deserted space craft in search of any clue to their identities or their mission, the horrifying realization dawns that they are not alone. *gasp, shriek and all that* OK, it's been a while since I've seen a thriller/horror trailer that actually caught my interest; horror is general not my gig. The sci-fi/space factor got a hook in me though and with the movie featuring Norman Reedus (from The Boondock Saints) and giving Ben Foster a starring role, they can count me in. You see Ben Foster is one of the tops on my underrated actors list. He's attractive in a quirky kinda way and has excellent acting range. Whether he's a love sick teen (Get Over It), a violent young criminal (Hostage and Alpha Dogs), a mutant (X-Men: The Last Stand) or an outlaw cowboy alongside Russell Crowe (3:10 to Yuma) this guy has proved his chops. I've been watching him for a while now and love seeing where his career has led him.
The Boys Are Back - Joe Warr (Clive Owen) is a talented, witty and action-oriented sports writer who finds himself at a complete loss when his wife tragically dies leaving him to be a single father to two sons, a six-year-old and a teen from a previous marriage. "United by unspoken love, conflicted by fierce feelings and in search of a road forward, the three multi-generational boys of the Warr household, father and sons alike, must each find their own way, however tenuous, to grow up." (imdb.com) A dramatic and touching look at fatherhood, family, loss and everyday life. I love Clive Owen and am occasionally a sucker for a good touchy-feely flick.
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men - An anthropology grad student deals with her recent break-up by conducting interviews with various men. John Krasinski picked up the rights to this set of stories by David Foster Wallace with the first paycheck he got for his role on The Office. Krasinski adapted them to the screenplay, directs and even acts in what sounds like a sociologically interesting movie.
Fame - Revamp and update of the 1980's musical about students attending the New York Academy of Performing Arts. Featuring Kelsey Grammer, Megan Mullally and Bebe Neuwirth as the faculty and original cast member Debbie Allen as the principal. It's like a G-rated, teenage version Rent hahaha!
I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell - Based on the book of the same title by Tucker Max, Max also wrote the screenplay and this is his synopsis from imdb.com: "Tucker decides to take an impromptu trip to celebrate his friend's bachelor party. He drags his friend into a lie with his fiancée, gets him into trouble and then abandons him in order to pursue a hilarious carnal interest. Tucker is disinvited to the wedding, and in order to get back in, Tucker has to find a way to balance his narcissism with the demands of friendship." Stars Matt Czuchry (Gilmore Girls and The Good Wife). It could be funny, it could suck...I haven't even read the book. *shrug*
Surrogates - Sci-fi flick based on a graphic novel, oooooh. In a future where humans remain isolated and safely experience the world through an idealized robotic "surrogates". But when people start dying while plugged into their surrogate, Detective Greer (Bruce Willis) must "unplug" and go out into the real world to find the murderer before all hell breaks loose; because, you know, that's what society does. This could turn out to be either really cool or...well, I won't name names, but we all know there have been some awesome sci-fi books/ graphic novels that have been turned into not-so-awesome movies.
I would also just like to say, about getting the trailers for these from imdb...I'm so friggin sick of those pre-trailer commercials for Haagen Dazs "Five" line that I may never eat their ice cream again. OK, I'm done :)
Now it is September, which means autumn is upon us and with it comes the Fall movie season! As the weather gets colder, it drives folks to more indoor activities (like going to the cinema) which means higher stakes to make bigger bank for the movie industry. Also, the award season is around the corner - and boy does the impending line up show it.
Thus, for your reading pleasure, here is the list, in order of release date, of films coming out this month that I want to see; from "kinda want" to "super really want". I've included synopses and links. Enjoy and, of course, let me know if you would want to see one with me because I love spending time with friends and having someone to chat about the movie with afterward (even better if said chatting occurs over pie!)
All About Steve - Sandra Bullock stars as Mary, a pretty, smart and eccentric crossword puzzler who is set up on a blind date with CNN cameraman Steve (The Hangover's Bradley Cooper) and the sparks fly...for Mary. When Steve is called away to work, Mary takes up the mission of following him and his crew across the country hoping to convince him that they belong together. This movie has three big things going for it: 1) I love Sandra Bullock comedies; that woman rocks! 2) Bradley Cooper (if you have not see The Hangover, you should) is HAWT! 3) I have a good friend named Steve making the title and premise 10x more amusing to me (right up there with the scene in Over The Hedge when Hammy the Squirrel suggests they name the hedge Steve "itsaprettyname!")
Carriers -Pandemic thriller starring Chris Pike (aka Capt Kirk in the recent Star Trek movie) and, oh look, guest spot by Christopher Meloni (of Law & Order:SVU). It looks like it could be an average pandemic and possibly zombie-esque thriller. Chris Pike has proved he's got some acting chops though. I think the thing that piques my interest is the societal downfall/ survival aspect. I nearly always enjoy seeing what a film or book does with dystopic or anti-utopia scenarios.
Extract - The latest comedy from Mike Judge (writer/director of Office Space), this time he takes the bosses side of things. Joel (Jason Bateman) is the owner of an extract plant and is having a myriad of business and personal problems. Also stars Mila Kunis, Ben Affleck, Kristen Wiig and J.K. Simmons. For starters I dig Judge's work. For seconds, Jason Bateman rocks my casbah. 'Nuff said.
Gamer - Gerard Butler is literally fighting a war for his life, the only problem is that he's not the one in control of his actions. As a death row inmate he is the living player in a game where others control his actions and whether he wins or loses and winning is what will get him out of prison back to his family. Let's see, what could Kris possibly love about this movie? Lots of decently done action sequences. Check. Anti-utopic plot line. Check! Michael C. Hall (from Six Feet Under and Dexter). Check! Gerard Butler (aka hot, talented Scottish actor). CHECK! I am ALL about this one!
9 - Originally an Academy Award nominated short, writer/director Shawn Acker has expanded his work into a full length animated wonder. Set in an apocalyptic future where humans are gone, nine rag dolls created by a scientist try to understand the world around them and why they were created while fighting the evils that surround them. You all know I love a good dystopic story. The animation looks tight! Featuring the voice talents of Elijah Wood, Crispin Glover, Martin Landau, Christopher Plummer and Jennifer Connelly. Produced by Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov (director of Wanted and -thank you Steve- the writer of Night Watch and Day Watch). The trailer alone makes me all tingly and giddy.
Pandorum - Sci-fi thriller starring Dennis Quaid and Ben Foster as astronauts who awake in hyper-sleep chambers with no memory of who they are or why they are here. As they explore their seemingly deserted space craft in search of any clue to their identities or their mission, the horrifying realization dawns that they are not alone. *gasp, shriek and all that* OK, it's been a while since I've seen a thriller/horror trailer that actually caught my interest; horror is general not my gig. The sci-fi/space factor got a hook in me though and with the movie featuring Norman Reedus (from The Boondock Saints) and giving Ben Foster a starring role, they can count me in. You see Ben Foster is one of the tops on my underrated actors list. He's attractive in a quirky kinda way and has excellent acting range. Whether he's a love sick teen (Get Over It), a violent young criminal (Hostage and Alpha Dogs), a mutant (X-Men: The Last Stand) or an outlaw cowboy alongside Russell Crowe (3:10 to Yuma) this guy has proved his chops. I've been watching him for a while now and love seeing where his career has led him.
The Boys Are Back - Joe Warr (Clive Owen) is a talented, witty and action-oriented sports writer who finds himself at a complete loss when his wife tragically dies leaving him to be a single father to two sons, a six-year-old and a teen from a previous marriage. "United by unspoken love, conflicted by fierce feelings and in search of a road forward, the three multi-generational boys of the Warr household, father and sons alike, must each find their own way, however tenuous, to grow up." (imdb.com) A dramatic and touching look at fatherhood, family, loss and everyday life. I love Clive Owen and am occasionally a sucker for a good touchy-feely flick.
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men - An anthropology grad student deals with her recent break-up by conducting interviews with various men. John Krasinski picked up the rights to this set of stories by David Foster Wallace with the first paycheck he got for his role on The Office. Krasinski adapted them to the screenplay, directs and even acts in what sounds like a sociologically interesting movie.
Fame - Revamp and update of the 1980's musical about students attending the New York Academy of Performing Arts. Featuring Kelsey Grammer, Megan Mullally and Bebe Neuwirth as the faculty and original cast member Debbie Allen as the principal. It's like a G-rated, teenage version Rent hahaha!
I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell - Based on the book of the same title by Tucker Max, Max also wrote the screenplay and this is his synopsis from imdb.com: "Tucker decides to take an impromptu trip to celebrate his friend's bachelor party. He drags his friend into a lie with his fiancée, gets him into trouble and then abandons him in order to pursue a hilarious carnal interest. Tucker is disinvited to the wedding, and in order to get back in, Tucker has to find a way to balance his narcissism with the demands of friendship." Stars Matt Czuchry (Gilmore Girls and The Good Wife). It could be funny, it could suck...I haven't even read the book. *shrug*
Surrogates - Sci-fi flick based on a graphic novel, oooooh. In a future where humans remain isolated and safely experience the world through an idealized robotic "surrogates". But when people start dying while plugged into their surrogate, Detective Greer (Bruce Willis) must "unplug" and go out into the real world to find the murderer before all hell breaks loose; because, you know, that's what society does. This could turn out to be either really cool or...well, I won't name names, but we all know there have been some awesome sci-fi books/ graphic novels that have been turned into not-so-awesome movies.
I would also just like to say, about getting the trailers for these from imdb...I'm so friggin sick of those pre-trailer commercials for Haagen Dazs "Five" line that I may never eat their ice cream again. OK, I'm done :)
13 July, 2009
First Day Deja Vu
I have finally started back to school! After three stagnant years of just working at the Barne while it slowly shredded away at my soul like a cheese grater, I am at last taking steps to getting my BA and getting the fuck out of retail! For those who don't know, I am attending the Art Institutes International in downtown Minneapolis for their Graphic Design program. I'm only part-time for this quarter (yes, they work on a quarterly system, no summer breaks here kids) but I'm hoping that I handle it all well enough that maybe I can swing adding another class next quarter which would kick me up to FT status and hopefully get me more financial aid.
My classed run M & W from 8am -1:50pm; that's two 3 hour classes with 10 minutes between the two for travel time. Thankfully they have a couple 10-15 minute breaks interspersed and both teachers said they are play it a bit loose and have no problem cutting one break short to let class out early. First day was pretty typical. Did the whole let's-get-to-know-everyone deal in each class and then a general intro to the class and what we can expect this quarter.
I love my first class already; Fundamentals of Design. The teacher reminds me of my coworker Carey! He walks in to class wearing a Hawaiian shirt with turtles on it, a straw hat, loafers and a big white beard and I immediately thought, "Mr. Moss has a cousin?!" Plus he's full of stories; he's served in the Navy, played some hockey, and dabbled in theatre! He's also currently reading a book about Jim Henson and his Muppet shop, it looked awesome. He called role and when our name was called we had to introduce ourselves, where we were from, our chosen major and share an interesting story so people would remember us. I told people that I had been a British aristocrat, an indie rock star, a sexy cop and sexually assaulted and all while in front of an audience because I had previously chosen to study theatre. I didn't even give it much time, but the moment I said that last one, there was this second of "did she really just admit that" shocked silence...totally worth it :)
Computer Applications is my second class. The teacher seems nice, although a bit quiet. Also, being the computer illiterate that I am, I'm a bit more nervous about this class. I took a general computer graphics class my senior year of high school and that was about my last interaction with the likes of Photoshop and Power Point. I don't think I've dealt with the other applications we'll be learning ever. What's more, it's all on Macs and the last time I used one of those was...*thinking*...at Normandale when there were no other computers open in the lab. It's not that I don't like Macs (I've never really known enough to take a side on that debate), I'm simply not used to using them anymore so she said to do something basic and my brain went "derrrrr..." It'll take some getting used to. Thankfully one of my classmates had worked with them more recently and helped me through things and was kindly patient with my questions.
I'm looking forward to the months ahead. Also, I'm not going to lie, taking the bus and figuring my way around downtown makes me feel like a big city girl who's going places :) Luckily I didn't have work today after class because I was wiped. I will next week though, so that will be interesting. Honestly though, it feels good to be back in school, like putting on a once favorite shirt you have not worn in a while, comfy but a tad unfamiliar at first. Even if I feel a bit older than most of my classmates; lots of young, right out of high school freshman from around the midwest, smaller towns in Wisconsin and Iowa. C'est la vie.
My classed run M & W from 8am -1:50pm; that's two 3 hour classes with 10 minutes between the two for travel time. Thankfully they have a couple 10-15 minute breaks interspersed and both teachers said they are play it a bit loose and have no problem cutting one break short to let class out early. First day was pretty typical. Did the whole let's-get-to-know-everyone deal in each class and then a general intro to the class and what we can expect this quarter.
I love my first class already; Fundamentals of Design. The teacher reminds me of my coworker Carey! He walks in to class wearing a Hawaiian shirt with turtles on it, a straw hat, loafers and a big white beard and I immediately thought, "Mr. Moss has a cousin?!" Plus he's full of stories; he's served in the Navy, played some hockey, and dabbled in theatre! He's also currently reading a book about Jim Henson and his Muppet shop, it looked awesome. He called role and when our name was called we had to introduce ourselves, where we were from, our chosen major and share an interesting story so people would remember us. I told people that I had been a British aristocrat, an indie rock star, a sexy cop and sexually assaulted and all while in front of an audience because I had previously chosen to study theatre. I didn't even give it much time, but the moment I said that last one, there was this second of "did she really just admit that" shocked silence...totally worth it :)
Computer Applications is my second class. The teacher seems nice, although a bit quiet. Also, being the computer illiterate that I am, I'm a bit more nervous about this class. I took a general computer graphics class my senior year of high school and that was about my last interaction with the likes of Photoshop and Power Point. I don't think I've dealt with the other applications we'll be learning ever. What's more, it's all on Macs and the last time I used one of those was...*thinking*...at Normandale when there were no other computers open in the lab. It's not that I don't like Macs (I've never really known enough to take a side on that debate), I'm simply not used to using them anymore so she said to do something basic and my brain went "derrrrr..." It'll take some getting used to. Thankfully one of my classmates had worked with them more recently and helped me through things and was kindly patient with my questions.
I'm looking forward to the months ahead. Also, I'm not going to lie, taking the bus and figuring my way around downtown makes me feel like a big city girl who's going places :) Luckily I didn't have work today after class because I was wiped. I will next week though, so that will be interesting. Honestly though, it feels good to be back in school, like putting on a once favorite shirt you have not worn in a while, comfy but a tad unfamiliar at first. Even if I feel a bit older than most of my classmates; lots of young, right out of high school freshman from around the midwest, smaller towns in Wisconsin and Iowa. C'est la vie.
06 July, 2009
Bunny Conspiracy part deux
30 June, 2009
The Bunny Conspiracy
Yeah yeah, I know, I haven't written in a while. I think this is related to my main issue with socializing/chatting with new people; besides being a bit self-conscious, I just don't think my life is that interesting. Also, I'm beginning to realize that (possibly because of this uninteresting stigma) I have kinda crap memory. I'm trying to break myself of this negative thought process though, so allow me to tell you about today's most recent development in my life: The Bunny Conspiracy.
I had spent most of my morning and early afternoon inside today. The weather wasn't the greatest and I had things to get done. As I fiddled around on the interweb I got an e-mail from Jenna aiming to confirm what everyone was bringing for our planned July 4th BBQ. After a couple relays with Jenna I realized that I would be closing the next few nights at work and then a 7-3:30 shift on Friday, so perhaps I ought to get a head start on the shopping for this event today.
I scooped up the CDs I needed to return to the library and headed out in Vinnie (my car). As I took a left turn out on to the main drag that would get me to the library I noticed a little bunny munching away near a patch of wooded area just off the road. I thought, 'Now Mr. Bunny stay there munching and away from the cars'. As I was finishing that thought, from the other side of the street, one of Mr. Bunny's friends started to hop out JUST as I was driving past! I immediately took my foot of the pedal and subsequently SCREAMED for fear I had hit him! Yes. You read that right. Screamed. Then, still moving slowly forward I desperately scanned my rear view mirror with eyes beginning to well-up with tears! Then I pulled forward enough to finally see him...perfectly fine. Sitting there just off the curb, with one paw in the air and an ear cocked slightly as if to say, "The Hell?!" To which I replied (and yes, I said this out loud) "Thank you for being a smart bunny!" Big sigh of relief.
Now, with the drama over I went on my merry way to the library...where there was ANOTHER bunny! This one didn't try to go out in front of me, but I'm pretty sure he was watching me. He wasn't there when I left the library though. I continued on to Sam's Club to check my blood pressure (slightly above normal on the systolic - gee I wonder why) and scoped out pricing for hot dogs and such. I then ventured to Target for a few small necessities and returned home. THERE WAS A BUNNY OUTSIDE MY BUILDING! They're watching me.
I had spent most of my morning and early afternoon inside today. The weather wasn't the greatest and I had things to get done. As I fiddled around on the interweb I got an e-mail from Jenna aiming to confirm what everyone was bringing for our planned July 4th BBQ. After a couple relays with Jenna I realized that I would be closing the next few nights at work and then a 7-3:30 shift on Friday, so perhaps I ought to get a head start on the shopping for this event today.
I scooped up the CDs I needed to return to the library and headed out in Vinnie (my car). As I took a left turn out on to the main drag that would get me to the library I noticed a little bunny munching away near a patch of wooded area just off the road. I thought, 'Now Mr. Bunny stay there munching and away from the cars'. As I was finishing that thought, from the other side of the street, one of Mr. Bunny's friends started to hop out JUST as I was driving past! I immediately took my foot of the pedal and subsequently SCREAMED for fear I had hit him! Yes. You read that right. Screamed. Then, still moving slowly forward I desperately scanned my rear view mirror with eyes beginning to well-up with tears! Then I pulled forward enough to finally see him...perfectly fine. Sitting there just off the curb, with one paw in the air and an ear cocked slightly as if to say, "The Hell?!" To which I replied (and yes, I said this out loud) "Thank you for being a smart bunny!" Big sigh of relief.
Now, with the drama over I went on my merry way to the library...where there was ANOTHER bunny! This one didn't try to go out in front of me, but I'm pretty sure he was watching me. He wasn't there when I left the library though. I continued on to Sam's Club to check my blood pressure (slightly above normal on the systolic - gee I wonder why) and scoped out pricing for hot dogs and such. I then ventured to Target for a few small necessities and returned home. THERE WAS A BUNNY OUTSIDE MY BUILDING! They're watching me.
07 June, 2009
Sickness and Memories
What a way to start the weekend. I got Strep again, big surprise. Actually, it sort of was as I usually only get it during the winter months. Anyhow, Friday I woke up with a sore throat but went to work anyways thinking it was because I had my window open wide and it had been a coolish night. Things did not improve as the work day dragged on. I had to pick up a Primatene mist for dad on the way home, so I skipped rush hour and took side streets to the Walgreens in near Southdale and treated myself to a Aloha Pineapple smoothie from Jamba Juice, figuring the cold and the fruit would help or at least they certainly wouldn't hurt. When I got home I took a nap, which helped with the fatigue, but not the throat. Saturday I still felt icky so I took myself to Target's minute clinic (where I always go when I get this) and got a Z-pack which had me feeling on the mend by that evening. It didn't hurt that mom brought me a Frosty when she came home from work. Yep, moms rock.
Well, today (Sunday) I was still on the mend and technically still contagious so I decided to get some stuff done around the house. I started by going through all the CDs I had half-hazardly stacked on two of my bookshelves. I realized I didn't have several of them in my iTunes, so I took care of some of those and also sorted out a few I didn't want anymore. Got a nice stack to take to Half-Price Books or Cheapo or where ever. While I was doing that, I stripped my bed and washed all my linens and blankets and got rid of the bodypillow I've had since Mankato (it was pretty beat up and kinda dirty and there really is no washing those things).
Lastly I hit some of the boxes we still have in our sizely front closet. Mom is a pack rat and I definitely inherited this tendency, but I'm working on it. First, I have a LOT of stuff! However, I successfully went through 5 boxes and got them down to 1 and 1/2 put back into the closet. Go me! In going through all that, I found loads of stuff I wasn't sure I still had. Some of the gems I found are:
Old creative writing assignments
Loads of scripts/scenes from plays that I have done for school
Art class projects and supplies from high school and college (woo hoo, art stuff!)
My high school senior photos (oh man *shakes head*)
Birthday cards from friends & family ranging from my 18th-22nd birthdays
3 travel sized packs of tissues (???)
The plus llama that creeped out Nelson that one day (hee hee hee)
About half a dozen unused photo frames (got to go through my photos next I guess)
The Barne employee handbook I was given when I first started back in Nov of 1999 - Interesting note: the back page is intact and unsigned >:)
A Barne business card I used to write down a humorous quote from Jess Brau
The papers, obituary clipping and driving directions from Matthew's funeral (may have to take a trip out there to place some flowers)
A disc labeled "NCC Candid Shots", which no doubt holds photos of my friends' and my from the partying days at NCC! (Hmm...must remember to look at these for possible future blackmail)
Day planner pages ripped out of old planner for remembrance - Important dates include: multiple concerts, my grandfather's passing and the birth of one Piper Lee Hubbard
Invite to Piper's 1st birthday
The games I was looking for (Jo, I got the LOTR Trivial Pursuit!)
A framed embroidery piece with my full name, birth date, size and weight with a cute teddy bear alongside (I have no idea who made this for me!)
All in all I'd say it was a rather productive day. Although now I realize how much stuff I have that require photo/scrap booking. Yikes!
Well, today (Sunday) I was still on the mend and technically still contagious so I decided to get some stuff done around the house. I started by going through all the CDs I had half-hazardly stacked on two of my bookshelves. I realized I didn't have several of them in my iTunes, so I took care of some of those and also sorted out a few I didn't want anymore. Got a nice stack to take to Half-Price Books or Cheapo or where ever. While I was doing that, I stripped my bed and washed all my linens and blankets and got rid of the bodypillow I've had since Mankato (it was pretty beat up and kinda dirty and there really is no washing those things).
Lastly I hit some of the boxes we still have in our sizely front closet. Mom is a pack rat and I definitely inherited this tendency, but I'm working on it. First, I have a LOT of stuff! However, I successfully went through 5 boxes and got them down to 1 and 1/2 put back into the closet. Go me! In going through all that, I found loads of stuff I wasn't sure I still had. Some of the gems I found are:
Old creative writing assignments
Loads of scripts/scenes from plays that I have done for school
Art class projects and supplies from high school and college (woo hoo, art stuff!)
My high school senior photos (oh man *shakes head*)
Birthday cards from friends & family ranging from my 18th-22nd birthdays
3 travel sized packs of tissues (???)
The plus llama that creeped out Nelson that one day (hee hee hee)
About half a dozen unused photo frames (got to go through my photos next I guess)
The Barne employee handbook I was given when I first started back in Nov of 1999 - Interesting note: the back page is intact and unsigned >:)
A Barne business card I used to write down a humorous quote from Jess Brau
The papers, obituary clipping and driving directions from Matthew's funeral (may have to take a trip out there to place some flowers)
A disc labeled "NCC Candid Shots", which no doubt holds photos of my friends' and my from the partying days at NCC! (Hmm...must remember to look at these for possible future blackmail)
Day planner pages ripped out of old planner for remembrance - Important dates include: multiple concerts, my grandfather's passing and the birth of one Piper Lee Hubbard
Invite to Piper's 1st birthday
The games I was looking for (Jo, I got the LOTR Trivial Pursuit!)
A framed embroidery piece with my full name, birth date, size and weight with a cute teddy bear alongside (I have no idea who made this for me!)
All in all I'd say it was a rather productive day. Although now I realize how much stuff I have that require photo/scrap booking. Yikes!
27 May, 2009
Rx - a health update
I had my annual check up yesterday. Weight is down- YAY! I am exactly 5'5". I took deep breaths, got felt up, the lubed up speculum, prodded and poked...and then I got to go to work after.
Anyhow, things checked out OK except for one thing; my blood pressure was around the edges of pre-/hypertension >:( Mom and dad have it I know, but dammit, I'm the healthiest person in this household and possibly in my family! So I have to keep track of it, go back in a couple months and she changed me to a different contraceptive that is a Progestin only pill. Last year when I went in I was on a tri-cyclical combo pill (each weeks pills had a different dose and then the placebo/"reminder"). Like that pill as I did, the problem was that there was no generic for them, so I asked to be switched to something cheaper. She switched me to a combo pill that has a constant dose throughout the three weeks. I'm really hoping it is the new pill and the recent stress I've been under that's causing this and not my getting genetically screwed. So we will see.
I also got my tetanus booster and got blood taken for diabetes testing (since my sister has it and was diagnosed around the age I am currently, I like to keep a watch for it). I'm one of the few people I know that is OK with needles. They rarely hurt, they don't freak me out and I even think it's kinda fun watching my blood spurt out into the little tube. However, day after, my arm does hurt from the shot...assballs.
Anyhow, things checked out OK except for one thing; my blood pressure was around the edges of pre-/hypertension >:( Mom and dad have it I know, but dammit, I'm the healthiest person in this household and possibly in my family! So I have to keep track of it, go back in a couple months and she changed me to a different contraceptive that is a Progestin only pill. Last year when I went in I was on a tri-cyclical combo pill (each weeks pills had a different dose and then the placebo/"reminder"). Like that pill as I did, the problem was that there was no generic for them, so I asked to be switched to something cheaper. She switched me to a combo pill that has a constant dose throughout the three weeks. I'm really hoping it is the new pill and the recent stress I've been under that's causing this and not my getting genetically screwed. So we will see.
I also got my tetanus booster and got blood taken for diabetes testing (since my sister has it and was diagnosed around the age I am currently, I like to keep a watch for it). I'm one of the few people I know that is OK with needles. They rarely hurt, they don't freak me out and I even think it's kinda fun watching my blood spurt out into the little tube. However, day after, my arm does hurt from the shot...assballs.
20 May, 2009
I Wonder... (I)
While driving the 2 1/2 hours to and from Winona (twice) last week, I noticed my fair share of roadkill. Yes, I notice it. It's there on the side of the road, an odd mass of fur, bones and even innards sometimes and I'm always curious as to what it is. In my drivings I saw raccoon, squirrel, bird, what I think was a possum, deer and skunk. One skunk carcass in particular had so many flies buzzing around it that I actually swerved the car a bit to avoid it even though it was on the side.
The skunk carcasses got me wondering: Do birds, particularly carrion birds, have a sense of smell? I mean you would think that having to find sustenance like seeds, berries, or even bodies, they would require the schnoz sense. Also, do skunk smell worse than the standard rotting corpse on the road side? I mean, sure as a human driver I can certainly tell when a skunk or skunk body is around and has recently expelled it's scent. But do the birds notice/ mind?
Yep, driving through bumblefuknowhere Minnesota leaves lots of time to think and wonder.
On a plus side, in the midst of the many farms we passed, each with either cows or horses, totally spotted a llama farm! I squeed like a little girl :)
The skunk carcasses got me wondering: Do birds, particularly carrion birds, have a sense of smell? I mean you would think that having to find sustenance like seeds, berries, or even bodies, they would require the schnoz sense. Also, do skunk smell worse than the standard rotting corpse on the road side? I mean, sure as a human driver I can certainly tell when a skunk or skunk body is around and has recently expelled it's scent. But do the birds notice/ mind?
Yep, driving through bumblefuknowhere Minnesota leaves lots of time to think and wonder.
On a plus side, in the midst of the many farms we passed, each with either cows or horses, totally spotted a llama farm! I squeed like a little girl :)
JoAnna told me that she couldn't make a comment on here. I fiddled with the settings and bit and changed the layout and I believe I have solved the problem! Given my lacking in computer skills, this is a gold star moment for Kris :)
Let the commenting commence!
Let the commenting commence!
18 May, 2009
I don't understand vanity plates. I mean, I understand what they are, the name pretty much sums it up. What I don't get are the things people put on them. I mean, the concept of vanity would be that you want to get noticed and, one would think, preferably for something cool, nice, sparkly, whatever...something positive. But I would have to say that the majority of the vanity plates I have seen in my life time usually fall under 2 categories;
A) unintelligible= some odd combination of letters and numbers - the occasional O with the diagonal strike through it - that even after driving behind and staring at it for several minutes only results in you looking confusedly at your passenger and asking, "Do you think it's in Hungarian?"
B) lame/cliche proclamation = "hot stuff", "cougar", "sexxxy"...you know the kind of crap that when you look at it makes you think, 'Well somebody's trying to compensate for something'.
I just don't get it! If the plate falls under column A, it's probably some inside joke that few people get which means that the rest of the world just thinks the driver is a moron with major spelling problems. And if it falls under column B, the person has some ego issues and is generally unimaginative. Also with a vanity plate on there, if you do something stupid one the road or with your car in general, you just made it THAT much more recognizable.
But now, to the picture. I took that this past Sunday afternoon. I had pulled over i
n the Eagan Regal cinema parking lot to contemplate with my friend George if we wanted to see a movie - we'd just come from a wedding in Apple Valley - when I looked up and saw that. No one was in the vehicle, so I took the liberty of taking the photo. I like taking photos of weird stuff as I'm sure most of you readers know very well.
Just so we are all on the same page, to me, that translates as, "extra large for god 7". Now given that within the same parking lot of the cinema there is a Taco Bell, my first thought was 'I think God would want you to put down the Gordita sir...no need to go that large unless you think God wants you to have a coronary or something.' But then I thought about it a second; I can read it so it doesn't go under category A (the unintelligible) it goes under B (the lame proclamation). I am not saying that I think proclamations of one's religious faith are lame, that is a person's right and their own thing and I can respect that. I will say that, being a more spiritual than religious person personally, I usually find such proclamations -especially those made via t-shirt, bumper sticker and other such things- to be a bit unnecessary and excessive since I don't think any one but the proclaimers really cares all that much. As it turns out I found this vanity plate to be extremely excessive. Why? Because I looked up the cost of getting personalized plates in MN;
Initial $100
Duplicate Replacement $14.00 double plate/ $10.00 single plate
A $8.50 filing fee is due with each application
So this guy (and yes it was a guy, about middle-aged, Caucasian, balding but with a mustache, got into the driver seat and what I presume was his teenage son got in to the passenger) spent at least $108.50 just so he can let everyone know that he digs god? The hell?! I mean, I'll go out on a limb here and assume he was some variety of Christian; polo-shirt wearing Caucasian guy with his athletic/preppy looking son, driving a newer SUV in the upper middle-class suburbs of Mpls/St. Paul with a plate about God...the evidence seems to point that way. So this guy, to prove and proclaim his faith, smacks down a nice chunk of cold hard cash not to a charity, not to his church, not to aid starving children in Africa, India or even here in the US, but instead to the DMV so he can have personalized plates on his shiny, gas-guzzling SUV. Yep, that is lame folks.
In the end, we decided not to catch a flick and just go home and rest from our weekend adventure in weddings. And I'm pretty sure there will be a blog about those once I'm done with the one this weekend. :)
And now that I have brought this topic up in a public forum, I am seeing these things EVERYWHERE! Here a just a few...

A) unintelligible= some odd combination of letters and numbers - the occasional O with the diagonal strike through it - that even after driving behind and staring at it for several minutes only results in you looking confusedly at your passenger and asking, "Do you think it's in Hungarian?"
B) lame/cliche proclamation = "hot stuff", "cougar", "sexxxy"...you know the kind of crap that when you look at it makes you think, 'Well somebody's trying to compensate for something'.
I just don't get it! If the plate falls under column A, it's probably some inside joke that few people get which means that the rest of the world just thinks the driver is a moron with major spelling problems. And if it falls under column B, the person has some ego issues and is generally unimaginative. Also with a vanity plate on there, if you do something stupid one the road or with your car in general, you just made it THAT much more recognizable.
But now, to the picture. I took that this past Sunday afternoon. I had pulled over i
Just so we are all on the same page, to me, that translates as, "extra large for god 7". Now given that within the same parking lot of the cinema there is a Taco Bell, my first thought was 'I think God would want you to put down the Gordita sir...no need to go that large unless you think God wants you to have a coronary or something.' But then I thought about it a second; I can read it so it doesn't go under category A (the unintelligible) it goes under B (the lame proclamation). I am not saying that I think proclamations of one's religious faith are lame, that is a person's right and their own thing and I can respect that. I will say that, being a more spiritual than religious person personally, I usually find such proclamations -especially those made via t-shirt, bumper sticker and other such things- to be a bit unnecessary and excessive since I don't think any one but the proclaimers really cares all that much. As it turns out I found this vanity plate to be extremely excessive. Why? Because I looked up the cost of getting personalized plates in MN;
Initial $100
Duplicate Replacement $14.00 double plate/ $10.00 single plate
A $8.50 filing fee is due with each application
So this guy (and yes it was a guy, about middle-aged, Caucasian, balding but with a mustache, got into the driver seat and what I presume was his teenage son got in to the passenger) spent at least $108.50 just so he can let everyone know that he digs god? The hell?! I mean, I'll go out on a limb here and assume he was some variety of Christian; polo-shirt wearing Caucasian guy with his athletic/preppy looking son, driving a newer SUV in the upper middle-class suburbs of Mpls/St. Paul with a plate about God...the evidence seems to point that way. So this guy, to prove and proclaim his faith, smacks down a nice chunk of cold hard cash not to a charity, not to his church, not to aid starving children in Africa, India or even here in the US, but instead to the DMV so he can have personalized plates on his shiny, gas-guzzling SUV. Yep, that is lame folks.
In the end, we decided not to catch a flick and just go home and rest from our weekend adventure in weddings. And I'm pretty sure there will be a blog about those once I'm done with the one this weekend. :)
And now that I have brought this topic up in a public forum, I am seeing these things EVERYWHERE! Here a just a few...
13 May, 2009
So...yeah, first blog on here. Honestly, my mind is so full of crap about all the goings on around me at the moment, that I'm going to spare the lot of you that business and simply share a favorite quote of mine, from a pretty cool actor, that pretty much sums things up...
"Every time I make a plan, God laughs at me" - Jason Isaacs
WOOT! First blog down, who knows how many more to go! :)
"Every time I make a plan, God laughs at me" - Jason Isaacs
WOOT! First blog down, who knows how many more to go! :)
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