
08 January, 2011

Happy New Year!

 I'm definitely wanting and needing some changes this year. I've felt in the dumps for a while now, my motivation seems to be shite and I feel trapped in most aspects of my life - job, living situation, money, etc. I'm 27 and the world is supposed to be my oyster and instead I feel stuck in a freaking shell of what life is supposed to be!  Poo. The following is a list of general goals I have for the new year and beyond.

1. Get healthier/ lose weight - Also known as the annual resolution for myself and 85% of the population. I need to eat better and actually move my ass.  I'm considering investing in a food/fitness journal and calorie counter to start.  The exercise is especially difficult right now because I? am not an outdoorsy kinda gal to begin with and here in MN it is friggin' COLD and my room doesn't have the, well, room for me to do much. 
2. Read more (of the books I have) - I have shelves of books I have picked up over the years wanting to read that I still haven't gotten around to reading.  Even now I could name at least five titles I've been considering buying!  Note: this is one of the dangers of working in a books store; there is always something new and interesting.
3. Blog more - I've decided to make a 2nd blog strictly for my movie fixation and focus this one more on me.  I want to use this blog as it was originally intended; to get my thoughts and feelings out, be more open/vulnerable, think things out in writing instead of just in my crazy jumbled head so I can get others' thoughts and ideas on things and maybe even find some of the support I'm afraid to ask for.
4. Try a new wine every month - I don't know a whole bunch about wine other than I like it.  Every time I peruse the liquor store I see all sorts of wines that I'd like to try, either because I haven't tried that specific variety of wine before or the label/bottle looks cool and appealing (hey, I'm in graphic design, I notice and judge these things). In the end, I usually go with something I'm familiar with because I'm concerned I won't like it and will thus be wasting my money. Screw that, I'm trying new things this year!  AND I will blog about them! Mwa ha ha haa!  I have even started a list of wines I want to try in an app on my phone. :)

There we have it!  I may add more or adjust some things later, but I wanted to get this first blog of 2011 done and posted before the month (or my thoughts) got away from me.

03 January, 2011

New Year!

I enjoy this time of year for a couple reasons, but one of them is definitely because it is a small span of time in which I can say things like "I haven't seen you since last year!" which sounds like a long time even though it was last week. Hee hee hee!